

I got glasses a bit ago…it’s been a bit strange wearing them.

I feel very tall…everyone looks short…I feel like I’m walking downhill uphill.

It’s made me think about perspective.

“Let your nose point first to what you want to look at…then find the sweet spot where things that are blurry become clear,” said Martha with the white hair.

Good advice don’t you think? Aren’t we all looking for that “sweet spot” where things blurry become clear?

It can be found by living in the present moment…in the here and now..in the am, are, is of life.

This is called by some, mindfulness, which is active, intentional attention on the present. Research has found that mindfulness can have a beneficial effect on the immune system…it can strengthen empathy and compassion…it can help to relieve stress…it can assist in strengthening relationships…it can have a positive effect on the reduction of physical pain…and much more!

All good news you might say, but how do I live this active, intentional attention on the present? A good start…don’t think too hard about how to do what you are doing…savor the moment by slowing down…lose track of time now and then…accept that some things in life are beyond your control…notice the newness found in the here and now…remember you are a human being, not a human doing…and breathe!

I’m finding this perspective of the present “sweet spot” takes some practice…and patience…and intention…and good humor.

Hopefully in time the journey will no longer all seem downhill uphill blurry.

It will become level ground.


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