Intimate Partner Violence in the LGBTQ+ Community

As a person who often works with people who have been affected by intimate partner violence (also known as domestic violence) as victims or perpetrators, there are certain patterns that are trackable within the personality and behaviors of cyclical perpetrators. At its core, intimate partner violence is about isolation and control. Most of the time, […]

Leaving the Rat Race to Sit in Your Own Skin…

I often hear from clients… “I just have to get out of this rat race!” What is the mad scramble in your world? What is that fierce competition that keeps you in a constant hustle and bustle frame of mind? That rush, rush, rush that can leave you numb and tired and wondering what is the purpose of […]

The Cushioned Recliner of Silence…

What do you write when you have nothing to say?… What do you say when you have nothing to speak?… You don’t… Instead you honor this time of silence for the incredible teacher it can be. Be patient – the power of words does not conform to your schedule… it has its own timetable. Why […]