Thousands of adults over the age of 60 are abused each year. Forms of abuse can include physical abuse, sexual abuse, neglect, abandonment, emotional abuse, financial abuse, and healthcare fraud. It can take place anywhere including the elder's home, a family member's home, a nursing home or assisted living facility.
Elder abuse can happen to anyone over 60 regardless of race, religion, ethnicity, cultural background, gender identity, or sex. The abuse can be anyone including a caregiver, family member, spouse, medical professional, or any individual that may come into contact with the elder.
Elder abuse victims are often at risk because they depend on others for help due to disabilities, memory problems, and those without family or friends nearby. Isolation and lack of social support for both the elderly and those for them also places them at risk.
If you are at risk or know someone who may be at risk, please call us at 251-602-0909.