image via jjackson
image via jjackson

Shopping in the produce department of the grocery store recently, made me recall this quote…

“Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing it is stupid.” (Albert Einstein)

Now I know there are no fish in the produce department, but this quote has everything to do with apples, and grandmothers and genius.

It being apple season I stopped by a display of apples at the store and was amazed at all the different varieties! As I stood there a bit in awe, a grandmother walked up with her grandchild. The young child was hanging on to her every word as she talked about apples. She smiled as she approached me,

Are you going to buy some apples?”

Yes, but there are so many to choose from.”

Passionately she began to name each apple and described its unique taste. Her enthusiasm as an apple connoisseur was contagious. She shared her “genius” and I left not only with a variety of apples in my cart, but uplifted. Aren’t we always uplifted when others passionately share their genius with us?

I am a Positive Psychology practitioner. What is positive psychology? The Positive Psychology Center at the University of Pennsylvania states, “Positive Psychology is the scientific study of the strengths and virtues that enable individuals and communities to thrive. The field is founded on the belief that people want to lead meaningful and fulfilling lives, to cultivate what is best within themselves, and to enhance their experiences of love, work and play.” Knowing and using our personal character strengths increases well being. This in turn benefits relationships, personal growth, and careers.

Do you know your character strengths?

The VIA Institute on Character whose mission is to “unleash the strengths within all of us to build a better world” has developed a “free, online, scientifically validated survey of character strength”.

Apples and grandmothers, fish and Albert Einstein bespeak a powerful message. Albert Einstein struggled in school, and certainly must have known first hand what it was like to be a fish judged by its ability to climb a tree. But he embraced his personal strengths and left the world a better place. Do you feel like a fish being judged by your ability to climb a tree? Take 15 minutes of your time and complete the Via Character Study today at www.viacharacter.org Learn your 5 top character strengths and passionately go forth building a better world!

PS After taking the survey, can anyone guess one of the Grandmother’s signature strengths?


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